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Reflections by @krittenhouse ~ EdCamp Columbus 2014

March 1, 2014 ~ As I made the cold morning trip to Gahanna this past Saturday with my friend Cheryl Cronbaugh,@midohioesc, I was excited, nervous, and dang happy we could car-pool. See, if I'd have had to come alone, it would have been easier to argue the point to stay home.  We've both planned big things before but from what I'd heard, this was going to be DIFFERENT! First things first.....the organizers.....AMAZING! It didn't hurt to have a wonderful facility, although the WIFI could have actually worked. Interestingly, no one was not adaptable. That was a pleasant surprise. The welcome-ness of everyone there made this a risk free environment to enjoy, learn, and be opened to new ideas! Next, great lunch choices, so nice to be able to pick and choose to suit the palate. So onto EdCamp itself. The day started off with a wonderful conversations, followed by a brief introduction from Toby.  I was so pleased to reconnect with Becky Rice (@reric...
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As a veteran Director of Technology for an Ohio school district (18 years), I have had the pleasure of watching Wikipedia grow. During that growth, it has been much like raising our child. Many disagreements, some frustrations, but more than anything, smiles of pride and sharing of joy for the accomplishments. Your site has become a value-added asset to our students, we appreciate the effort, energy, and willingness to improve all the time. THANK YOU!!!

Long time.....

WOW, it has been a long time since the last post. Tons has happened but I'll start in the present. Joey has been accepted to Bowling Green State University and Tiffin University so far! We are waiting on word from the University of Akron . This is an exciting time and a fearful time. I never paid much attention to others comments about how it goes so fast......that is an understatement. Joey is a young man now, heading towards an unbridled future. Exciting for all of us but there are worries as well. Our household is busy as ever, with much going on having a senior in the home. We continue to geocache and chase Sadie around the yard with the frisbee. She is truly an amazing dog!
Digital Storytelling Tools ~ by Özge Karaoğlu ( With the coming of the 21st century, technology has added a new twist to our traditional storytelling. Beyond the scope of pen and pencil, we can now easily tell and share our stories digitally with mobile phones, flip cameras, recording our voice or using free web tools. There is no doubt that today’s students are more motivated and interested in using digital storytelling just like any other multimedia. It offers us, educators, a new and a very 21st century way to captivate students’ attention, facilitate learning, reach shy students and increase collaboration and community in a classroom. It’s a great way to give voice to ourselves and our students in an out of the classroom walls. Audio Tools LittleBirdTales is a tool that lets you capture yourvoice; create an online book using artwork, picturesand words. You can scan your pictures, upload themfrom your computer or yo...

Fall 2010

Working in the fall of 2010 at Shelby Schools! We have been busy with the day to day tasks. The new opportunities of Web 2.0 comtinue to push us to support staff and learning. Much to read, learn, and implement! This job never lacks for reasons to be learning continously!

New Puppy!

We have a new puppy! Saturday, January 30, 2010 we have become the new family of Sadie Marie Wiegel Rittenhouse !